13.2 is an improper fraction in decimal form. It is not a whole number and cannot be made into one.
132 is a composite number but 5 is not one of its factors
No it isn't. 1 is an odd number and if you continue going up, e.g. 1,3,5,7,9... you would never get 132. You would get 131 and 133 but not 132. Whereas 2 is an even number and if you continue going up, e.g. 2,4,6,8,10,12, you would eventually reach 132 therefore 132 is an even number.
132 (44x3 =132).
132 / .55 = 240
Diameter of circle: 132/pi = 42 inches rounded to the nearest whole number
No 132 is not a square number because every number up to 132 times its self does not equal 132 and a square number is a number that is a multiple of 1 number times itself so 132 is not a square number.
no,132 is not a prime number because you can divide 132 by 2
132 is a decimal number
Ditto's number in the National Pokedex is 132.
132 is an even number
132 is 44% of 300
132 is a composite number but 5 is not one of its factors
the whole point of school uniforms are to avoid dress code problems so they want to make them neat
No it isn't. 1 is an odd number and if you continue going up, e.g. 1,3,5,7,9... you would never get 132. You would get 131 and 133 but not 132. Whereas 2 is an even number and if you continue going up, e.g. 2,4,6,8,10,12, you would eventually reach 132 therefore 132 is an even number.
Yes, 132 is a composite number. Besides 1 and itself, it is an even number that can be divided by 2