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Q: What is the negative reciprical of -5?
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What is the negative reciprical of negative two point five?


What is the reciprical of -10.2?

Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 1/-10.2 is equal to -5/51 or negative five fifty-firsts.

What is reciprocal by 5?

1/5 reciprical is just 1/#

What is the reciprical of -12?

- 1/12 negative one over 12 -1 over 12

What is the reciprical of negative two and one quarter?

reciprocal of a negative is still a negative, and 2 and a quarter can be rewritten as 9/4. The reciprocal of this number is 4/9. Therefore, the reciprocal of -2 and a quarter is -4/9.

Is negative 1 the opposite reciprical of 1?

Yes it is. The reciprocal is 1 divided by the number, and the opposite is to change the sign. -(1/1) = -1 ■

What signs are used when mulitiplying and dIviding integers would the signs be the same and the answer negative?

positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative The same rules apply for dividing, since dividing is actually multiplying by the reciprical.

How do you change mixed numbers to reciprocal?

basically, if you have a number, you make the denomenator as its numerator and numerator as its denomenator. for example, the negative reciprical of 2 is -1/2

How do you divide fractions in sixth grade?

When you divide fractions, you actually multiply them and use the reciprical. For example: 3/8 divided by 1/5 3/8 x 5/1 ------> 5/1 is the reciprical of 1/5 (you just flip them) so 3/8 x 5/1=15/8 which = 1 and 7/8 <------that is your answer

What is a reciprical?

A reciprocal (not reciprical) or multiplicative-inverse is THE relationship between two expressions factored from unity. The product of a reciprocal pair of expressions (quantities or numbers) is equal to 1. For example; 1/5 and 5 are reciprocals of each other, they multiply to equal 1. Zero (zed) does not have a reciprocal.

What is the reciprical of 6?

the reciprical of 6 (or 6/1) is the opposite of 6/1, which is 1/6 (one sixth).

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