-34.641 (rounded)
The square root of 48 can be written as 48 with a square root sign over it, 48 to the 1/2 power, a decimal equivalent (6.92...), or simplified as 4 square-roots of 3.
It is: 4/1 or simply as 4
The square root of 48 is not an integer which means a whole number.
square root of (48) ∙ square root of (48)
-34.641 (rounded)
The square root of 48 can be written as 48 with a square root sign over it, 48 to the 1/2 power, a decimal equivalent (6.92...), or simplified as 4 square-roots of 3.
It is: 4/1 or simply as 4
sqrt(-48) = sqrt(48)i = sqrt(16x3)i = 4sqrt(3)i
The square root of 48 is a rational or irrational
The numbers are: 9 + square root of 129 and 9 - square root of 129
48 is not a square number, so the square root of 48 is irrational and can not be represented as a whole number.
The square root of 48 is not an integer which means a whole number.
% = the square root of Do you mean: %18 x 2 x %75 =%48? If so, then no, that's wrong.