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The term "steady speed" indicates a constant velocity. This implies that there is no net acceleration, and thus no net force. Any net force on a moving object will cause a change in velocity, as per Newton's First and Second Laws.

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Q: What is the net force on a car traveling along a straight road at a steady speed of 100?
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What is the net force on a bright red Mercedes convertible traveling along a straight road at a steady speed of 100?

Since the car is traveling at a constant speed, the net force on the car is zero. The forces acting on the car (like friction, air resistance, and engine force) are balanced to maintain the steady speed without acceleration.

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Equal to.

What is the net force of a car traveling at a steady speed of 140 km per hour?

Since there is zero acceleration, the net force is also zero.

The force that makes objects keep traveling in a straight line?

Inertia is the force that makes objects continue traveling in a straight line at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This property of matter was described by Isaac Newton in his First Law of Motion.

What opposes the motion of one object moving past another?

Friction opposes the motion of one object moving past another. Objects at rest remain at rest and objects traveling at a steady rate in a straight line continue that way until a force acts on them.

Are the forces on a car that is traveling at a steady speed balanced or unbalanced?

The forces on a car traveling at a steady speed are balanced. The driving force from the engine is balanced by the resistive forces such as friction and air resistance. This balance allows the car to maintain a constant speed.

Explain whether a force is acting on a car that is moving at 20kmh and turns to the left?

Yes, a force is acting on the car when it turns to the left. This force is known as centripetal force, which is directed towards the center of the circular path the car is traveling along. It is required to keep the car moving in a curved path instead of continuing in a straight line.

What effect the movement of an object at a steady speed?

When an object is moving at a steady speed, it experiences no acceleration, meaning that the net force acting on it is zero. This means that the object will continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.

If a ball is rolling and ramp you apply more force in the direction it is traveling what will happen?

If you apply more force in the direction the ball is already traveling, it will accelerate and its speed will increase. The additional force will cause the ball to roll faster along the ramp.

How do you calculate G-force of an object traveling in a straight line?

You measure the acceleration. One G-Force is 9.82 m s-2. Simply scale from there.