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Q: What is the next degree after 360?
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Is it the proper thing to tell a football team that just lost that you will do better next time by making a 360 degree turn?

No, a U-turn is 180 degrees. A 360 degree turn brings you back to where you started from.

What degree is 150 percent of 360 degree circle?

150% of 360 degrees= 150% * 360= 1.5 * 360= 540 degrees

How many 120-degree angles are in a circle?

A circle is 360 degrees. There are three 120 degree angles since 3x120 is 360. If you want, think of the first angle as the one between 0 and 120, the next as the one between 120 and 240 and the third as the one between 240 and 360.

How do you convert degree to revolution measure and vise versa?

multiply or divide by 360 degree

How many 45 degree angles can fit into a 360 degree angle?

8 of them.

What is the degree of a horses eyesight?

360 degree eyesight.

Percent to degree?

you have to multiply by 360 so if its 39.6% *360

When you convert a percntage to a degree is the total 100 or 360?


What is a 360 degrees gyro?

whats a 360 degree gyro

What is the degree for 9 of 360?

9 of 360 = 32409 of 360 = 32409 of 360 = 32409 of 360 = 3240

What degree does a rhombus have?