A single number, such as 38978567796588 does not constitute a progression.
This is a geometric progression with a factor of -10, so 0.562.
Any number you like. You need two terms to uniquely identify an arithmetic progression.
one-million-billion is a sequence in the long scale: 1, 106, 1012. The next number in that progression would be 1 trillion which is 1018. Note that this is NOT the scale used by the US or UK.
If you mean: 12, 11, 9, 6, 2 then the next number is -3 Because they are being reduced by 1, 2, 3, 4 and then 5
The next term is 'zero'.
The Next Logical Progression was created on 2012-03-27.
This is a geometric progression with a factor of -10, so 0.562.
The next number in the progression is 43 - the sequence continues to increase by ascending odd numbers.
they gave me permission for progression to the next level
This is referred to as a geometric progression - as opposed to an arithmetic progression, where each new number is achieved via addition or subtraction.
Next after what? This question is missing information.
Melodic Progression Shaped Notes Melodic Progression Shaped Notes
The number that comes after 1299 is 1300. In the decimal number system, each number is followed by the next consecutive number in a linear progression. Therefore, after 1299, the next number is 1300, which is one more than 1299.
The next step in progression from a Gigabyte is a Terabyte which is 1,000 Gigabytes
one-million-billion is a sequence in the long scale: 1, 106, 1012. The next number in that progression would be 1 trillion which is 1018. Note that this is NOT the scale used by the US or UK.