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what is meant by polymorph

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What happens when polymorphs percent in blood is more then normal?


Are diamonds and graphite both polymorphs of pure silicon?

No, diamonds and graphite are not polymorphs of silicon. Diamonds are a polymorph of carbon, while graphite is also a polymorph of carbon. Silicon does not form diamonds or graphite as polymorphs.

What will cause when Polymorphs ia 85 percentage in your blood?

What happens if the polymorphs is 85 % in the blood?

Minerals with the same chemical formula but different crystal lattice structure are referred to as?


What are the polymorphs of ascorbic acid?

The polymorphs of ascorbic acid are the different crystalline forms that the molecule can adopt. Common polymorphs of ascorbic acid include forms such as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. These polymorphs have different arrangements of molecules within their crystal lattice structures.

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Does moon stone have any polymorphs?

i think so

What are the different polymorphs of zirconia?

The three main polymorphs of zirconia are monoclinic, tetragonal, and cubic. The phase transformation between these polymorphs is influenced by factors such as temperature, stress, and the presence of stabilizing dopants. Tetragonal zirconia is commonly stabilized with elements like yttria to prevent the transformation to the less stable monoclinic form.

Are quartz and feldspar examples of polymorphs?

No, quartz and feldspar are not polymorphs. Polymorphs are minerals that have the same chemical composition but different crystal structures, such as diamond and graphite which are both forms of carbon. Quartz and feldspar have different chemical compositions, with quartz being composed of silicon and oxygen, and feldspar being a group of minerals composed of aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.

What cause a low polymorphs?

Infection could cause a low polymorphs or white blood cell count. Other causes may include vitamin deficiencies, certain medications, hypersplenism or radiation therapy.

What cause a low polymorphs count?

Infection could cause a low polymorphs or white blood cell count. Other causes may include vitamin deficiencies, certain medications, hypersplenism or radiation therapy.

What is the normal value of SGOT?

SGOT normal value is 15-37.