1452 and all of its multiples.
LCD(121, 132) = 1452.
12*121 = 1452 121*12 = 1452
24,836 days from 01/01/1452 to 31/12/1519
1452 and all of its multiples.
1452, was the Chinese Year of the Monkey.
1452 feet=0.275 miles
You need to start with the following information:Coins are weighed in grams. A US nickel weighs 5.0 gm; a current Canadian nickel is 3.95 gm.A US pound is 453.6 gm so 16 pounds = 453.6*16 = 7257.60 gramsThat means 16 US pounds of:American nickels is 7257.60 / 5.0 = 1452 coins (rounded to the nearest whole number); the value is US$72.60Canadian nickels is 7257.60 / 3.95 = 1837 coins (also rounded); the value is CDN$91.85
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 1452 inches is equal to 1452/12 = 121 feet.
LCD(121, 132) = 1452.
Leonardo da Vinci lived from 1452 to 1519 AD.
12*121 = 1452 121*12 = 1452