

Is the number 1 a fraction?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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15y ago

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No, the number 1 is not a fraction. Proof: 1 is equivalent to 1/1. If you divide 1 by 1, the answer is still one. The number 1 is a whole number.

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Is 1 a fraction?

No. It can be expressed as a fraction, 1/1, but it is a whole number.

What do you call 1 in fraction?

1 in fraction is a whole number.

What the top of the number of a fraction?

The top number of a fraction is the numerator. The bottom number is the denominator. In the fraction 1/5, the number 1 is the numerator, and the number 5 is the denominator.

What will happen if you divide a fraction?

If you divide the fraction by a number greater than 1 then you will have a smaller fraction.If you divide the fraction by a number equal to 1 then you will have the same fraction.If you divide the fraction by a positive number smaller than 1 then you will have a greater fraction.

How do you change a whole number into a fraction without a calculator?

Any whole number into a fraction is whole number over 1. Whole number = x Fraction = x/1

What is the formula for determining a fraction of a number?

Multiple the fraction with the number. For example, what is 1/2 of 10? 1/2 * 10 = 5.

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A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.

How do you turn 0.8 into a fraction or mixed number?

fraction - 8/10 or 4/5, mixed number/fraction - 1 1/5

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Any whole number can become an improper fraction by putting it over one. 9 = 9/1

What is whole numeber?

A whole number is a number in which there is no decimal or fraction after the number or the number is a fraction or decimal. ex. ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...

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You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.

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0.5 = 1/2, a fraction.