716,000,000 in word form is: seven hundred sixteen million.
16 in number words = sixteen
7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in words is seven octillion.
There are a great number of words that are considered academic A few of these words are often medical words.
716,000,000 in word form is: seven hundred sixteen million.
16 in number words = sixteen
The words to "Can I Have Your Number?" are exactly just that. Listen to yourself the next time you talk, and just ask a lady out. It's as simple as that, and I ended up converting my sexuality from Ace to Straight instantly. (I ultimately decided to change back, however.)
20000 = the number of words a woman says / day 6000 = the number of words a man says / day 20000 = the number of words a woman says / day 6000 = the number of words a man says / day
The phone number of the Words-On-Wheels is: 610-278-5100.
7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in words is seven octillion.
If you divide the number of words by the number of minutes, you'll get a rate of words per minute.
A number written using numerals and words would still be considered a number, but it can't be like 5000 or Twenty because 5000 is only made up of numbers, and Twenty is made up of words. The answer would have to be something like 5 Thousand or 2 Tens. Hope this helped!
By the inclusion of words from other languages
2 words a minute. One word every thirty seconds.
The number 90 is written out in words as such: ninety. You should spell out a number rather than write it in number form in particular scenarios, such as if you are beginning a sentence with a number.