A number is a multiple of 16 is the last 4 digits are a multiple of 16 The 1,000s digit is even and the last 3 digits are a multiple of 16 The 1,000s digit is odd and the last 3 digits are 8 times an odd number
16 digits for PNB savings account number.
The number is 16.
A number is a multiple of 16 is the last 4 digits are a multiple of 16 The 1,000s digit is even and the last 3 digits are a multiple of 16 The 1,000s digit is odd and the last 3 digits are 8 times an odd number
16 digits for PNB savings account number.
There are usually nine digits in a Citibank account number. A Citibank credit card account number will have 16 digits.
There are usually nine digits in a Citibank account number. A Citibank credit card account number will have 16 digits.
UAE Xpress money transfer has 16 digits
If the number with the digits reversed can have a leading 0 so that it is a 1-digit number, then 16. Otherwise 13.
The number is 16.