8 Digits!
The number 184 consists of 3 digits.
Oh, isn't that just a happy little question! MoneyGram reference numbers can vary in length, but typically they are 8 or 9 digits long. Remember, each number is unique and important for tracking your transaction, just like how each tree in a painting adds to the beauty of the whole picture. Just breathe, take your time, and you'll find that number shining brightly for you.
Does the money gram have 12 digit control number?
Oh, dude, that's an easy one. The money transfer agency you're looking for is Western Union. Their reference numbers are 9 digits long. So, like, if you ever need to track down some cash or something, just look for that 9-digit code and you're good to go.
8 digits
Well, honey, a RIA money transfer reference number typically consists of 16 digits. So, count 'em up and make sure you've got all 16 to track that cash like a boss. Don't go losing those digits now, or your money might just disappear into the Bermuda Triangle of finance.
8 Digits!
8 Cifre. 89751642
8 Digits!
It is 004 (for paper transfer) or 0004 (for e transfer) + your bank branch's transit number (5 digits, the 2nd number on your cheque)
i dont see why not....call their 800 number...their there lmfao