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If it's a fraction then it's the denominator which divides into the numerator

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Q: What is the number called that is below the dividing line?
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The line that divides a fraction?

The line that separates the top number (numerator) from the bottom number (denominator) of a fraction can be called a dividing line - since this is what is happening in the sum itself to calculate the fraction.

What is a line dividing two places?

A dividing line between two places is usually called a border.

What is the number ontop of the line in a fraction called?

The number above the line in a fraction is called the numerator. The number below the line is called the denominator. So in the fraction 5/7 5 is the numerator and 7 is the denominator.

What is the dividing line between countries called?

It is called a border.

What is the dividing line between north and south?

A dividing line between two places is usually called a border.

What was this line called dividing South America?

It was called the Treaty of Tordesillas.

What is the name of the line dividing a numerator and a denominator called in maths terms?

the line is called a division bar

The number below the fraction bar in a fraction that shows the total number line are called?

The denominator in the unsimplified fraction.

What is the dividing line called between europe and asia?


What is The line dividing the zone of accumulation from the zone of ablation on a valley glaciers is called?

The line dividing the zone of accumulation from the zone of ablation on a valley glacier is called the equilibrium line. This line marks the point where accumulation (snowfall) equals ablation (melting and sublimation), influencing the glacier's overall mass balance and movement.

What is a letter or number written beneath a line of print called?

A subscript is below the line, as in 52 or 5x; a superscript is above the line: 52.

What is the number below the line in a fraction called?

Well, darling, that little number below the line in a fraction is called the denominator. It's basically playing second fiddle to the numerator, which gets all the attention. Think of it as the sidekick in the fraction world.