once you get to a number you cant divide 9 into its called the remainder. so you put a small r on the side of the number like this example 46r9
0 is nothing, you cannot divide a number by nothing, it would be the same as putting the number then the divide symbol and not putting another number in.
Becauseit cant divide into that number
try to find two numbers that multiply to get that number. if you cant try to get something close to the same. then if one is an even number just divide it by 2 and multiply the other number by 2. keep doing this until you cant divide the number anymore. that should get you most of the factors
7 is a prime number so you cant divide it evenley
once you get to a number you cant divide 9 into its called the remainder. so you put a small r on the side of the number like this example 46r9
you cant. You have to divide the bigger number first.
Divide till you cant divide evenly
0 is nothing, you cannot divide a number by nothing, it would be the same as putting the number then the divide symbol and not putting another number in.
Becauseit cant divide into that number
try to find two numbers that multiply to get that number. if you cant try to get something close to the same. then if one is an even number just divide it by 2 and multiply the other number by 2. keep doing this until you cant divide the number anymore. that should get you most of the factors
no u cant divide anything but 2 if the number isnt even
7 is a prime number so you cant divide it evenley
Divide the denominator (bottom number) into the whole number , and then add that to the numerator (top number) . if you cant sinplify, leave it...
Converting a mixed number into a proper fraction,is too divide the two numbers.
You cant divide anything by 0 therefore it's not able to happen