Are equivalent decimals.
034 is less than 75.
Yes. Different ways of representing the same value.
A number with no decimals is called a whole number, or an integer.
No. Anything that has a finite number of decimals (or repeating decimals) is a rational number.
equivalent decimals
Are equivalent decimals.
equivalent decimals
034 is less than 75.
Yes. Different ways of representing the same value.
A number with no decimals is called a whole number, or an integer.
No. Anything that has a finite number of decimals (or repeating decimals) is a rational number.
Is 0.07 greater than 0.7.
034 if not then 304
ANY number with a finite number of decimals (and some that have an infinite number of decimals) are rational.
Decimals can be positive or negative.
What are fractions or decimals that name the same amount