What are fractions or decimals that name the same amount
Its the same way, except you'll go into decimals.
They are the same because they name the same amount. They are equivalent decimals.
they aren't that different but the whole number needs to be converted for them to be the same
Decimals are there to show you a fraction. For example, 1 1/2 is the same as the decimal 1.5. It just shows you how close you are to a whole number in a different way than a fraction.
Are equivalent decimals.
equivalent decimals
Yes. Different ways of representing the same value.
What are fractions or decimals that name the same amount
Is 0.07 greater than 0.7.
The decimals with the same number of decimal places are called like decimals. Equivalent decimals are decimal numbers that have the same value. For example, 3.42, 6.05 are like decimals as they have two decimal places. For example, 0.3 and 0.30 are equivalent decimals as they present the same value.
34 hundredths.
No. If you multiply them by a hundred you get 120 and 102 which are not the same.
An infinite number of decimals are between any two numbers that aren't the same.
They can show the same number, just in different ways. You can convert fractions into decimals or decimals into fractions.
Its the same way, except you'll go into decimals.