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Q: What is the number of bits a processor can transmit at a given time?
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The number of bits prossed at one time is?

depends on your processor type and the workload on it.

What is the formula that will define the total number of binary number combination that can be made when given the number of binary bits available?

Two to the power of the amount of available digits.

What is the two's compliment?

The 2's complement of a number in n bits is that number when added to the original number results in 0 in n bits. It is used to represent negative numbers so that with n bits you have 2ⁿ⁻¹ each of positive and negative numbers - the top bit is used to specify if the number is negative and if set, the number is stored in 2's complement of the positive number. As a result of this, when adding or subtracting positive and negative numbers, there is no need to worry about the sign as it is handled automatically. To convert a binary number to its 2's complement invert all the bits and add 1 (this is the same as subtracting it from 2 to the power of one more than the number of bits used to store the number) eg in 8 bits, the 2's complement of 42 (0x2A = 0010 1010) is: Invert all the bits: 0010 1010 → 1101 0101 add 1: 1101 0101 + 1 = 1101 0110 (0xD6) → the 2's complement of 42 in 8 bits is 214 (= -42) Note: 42 + 214 = 256 = 1 0000 0000 in binary which has the bottom 8 bits 0. When doing arithmetic with signed numbers, there is usually an overflow flag (V) in the processor which is set if the operation results in a carry from the top-1 bit to the top bit. eg in 8 bits when using signed numbers 42 (0010 1010) + 100 (0110 0100) = 142 (1000 1110) but as it has the top bit set it represents a negative number (142: 1000 1110 → 0111 0001 + 1 = 0111 0010 = -114) - to indicate that the number (could) represent a negative number not a positive number the processor may set the overflow flag. The maximum positive number in 8 bits is 127 (0111 1111), the maximum negative number is 1000 0000 → 0111 1111 + 1 = 1000 0000 = -128; ie the range of possible numbers when using 8 bits to represent a signed number is -128 to +127

How many bits will it take to store a 7-digit telephone number in BCD?


What is sign binary number?

It is a binary number where the sign, either plus or minus, can be declared. One Bit is given over to act as the sign, being either 1 or 0, with the rest of the bits acting as the actual value.

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How many words can 8 bits and 16 bits processors transmit at a time?

An 8 bit processor can transmit one letter at a time. In the ASCII code, each of the first 127 combinations of bits has a special standard meaning. The last 127 is given a special meaning. So an an 8 bit processor can transmit 256 bits at a time. An A is 65 bits. A 16 bit processor can transmit two letters at a time. A B is 66 bits. An E is 69 bits. It can transmit a B and an E. By definition that is considered a word. A difference exists between the way computer people use the language and normal people use it. Actually, a piece of equipment called a bus attached to the processor does the actual transmitting.

Number of bits the processor can interpret and execute at a given time?

word size

How many bits is the data bus for a 486dx4 processor?

A 386SX processor has 16-bits and 386DX has 32-bits

The number of bits prossed at one time is?

depends on your processor type and the workload on it.

The largest number of bits the processor can process in one operation?

The largest number of bits a CPU can process is word size. A CPU's Word Size is the largest number of bits the CPU can process in one operation.

Will a processor 80532 handle 64 bits?

Yes, a processor 80532 will handle and has the ability to run 64-bits. A processor 80532 is considered to be a Pentium 4 processor.

What is redundent information?

Informational redundancy is the number of bits that it takes to transmit the desired message minus the actual number of bits that the message contains. In other words, it is the extra bandwidth required to send a message.

How many bits in i7 processor?

The i7 is a 64 bit processor.

How many bits in 80286 processor?

8086 is a 16bit processor.

What is a word's length?

In natural language, the number of characters comprising the word. In IT the number of bits in the architecture of the processor registers - 8, 16, 32, 64 etc.

How many bits 386DX processor?

The 386DX is a 32 bit processor running on a 32 bit bus.

How many bits 386SX processor?

The 386SX is a 32 bit processor running on a 16 bit bus.