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Q: What is the number of significant figures in 29 x 1.12?
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29 792 458 in significant figures is 29 790 000, and written in scientific notation is 2.979*10^7

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8.275862069 times 8.28 (3 significant figures)

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What is 12 in significant digit?

It depends upon how you got to the 12, for example: 28.6 - 16.6 = 12.0 Because each of the numbers that was used to get to the 12 had 3 significant figures, you should write the 12 with three significant figures also. However: 29 - 17 = 12 In this case, each of the numbers that was used to get to 12 had only 2 significant figures, so use only 2 significant figures in the 12.

What is the sum of all prime number between 10and30?

They add up to 112

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mike of 112 is 29 years old

What is the significance of 384?

If you mean how many significant figures it has, it has 3. As a number, has several interesting properties such as the sum of twin primes. The wikipedia article on 384 may help:

How do you round 0.29429697?

Starting at the second digit after the decimal, if it is between 0 and 4, you round the first digit down. If it is between 5 and 9, you round it up. If the third digit is between 0 and 4, you round the second digit down. If it is between 5 and 9, you round the second digit up. Rounded to.......... 1 signifcant figure: .3 2 significant figures: .29 3 significant figures: .294 4 significant figures: .2943 5 significant figures: .29430

What is the sum of all prime number between 10 and 30?

It is: 11+13+17+19+23+29 = 112

What fraction correctly represents a termanating decimal 112 29 310 23?

There is no decimal point in the number in the question so it is not possible to answer the question.