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Q: What is the number of straight lines that can be drawn through one Point?
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What is the number of straight angles that can be drawn through two points?

Angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees.

How many lines can be drawn through 2 points?

1 straight line. An infinite number of curved lines.

What is radius equals 12 inches?

Every circle has a point called the centre. A straight line drawn through the centre and extending both ways to intersect with the circle at opposite points is called the diameter. A straight line drawn from the centre to intersect with one point of the circle is called the radius. In this case, the length of that straight line is 12 inches.

True or false an infinite number of lines can be drawn through one point if false then why?

True. An infinite number of lines can be drawn through one point because there is no limit to the number of possible lines that can pass through a single point in space. Each line represents a unique direction in which the point can be extended.

How many lines can cross a point?

An infinite number of lines can be drawn through a single point, but only one through two points (of course, if the points don't have the same coordinates).

What the name of straight lines that can be drawn through one points?

line segments

Can nine straight lines can be drawn from nine collinear points?

Yes. You can draw infinitely many straight lines from each point.

How many straight lines can be drawn through two points?

i think just one line, as its defenition of straight line

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How many rays can be drawn through one point?

Infinitely many.

How many lines can be drawn through both ends of point?

the answer is one