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This is known as a coefficient.

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Q: What is the number or constant factor in a variable term in an expression?
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What is the number that multiplies a variable?

The number that multiplies a variable in an algebraic expression is called a coefficient. It is the numerical factor that is multiplied by the variable to form a term in the expression.

What do you call the number that are multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression?


Why is a constant a monomial?

"Why is a constant a monomial?"The short answer is because a constant is a special typeof monomial.The reason for this is that the definition of a monomial reads: A monomial is"An expression that is eithera numeral (= a numerical expression which names a particular number, IE a constant),a variable,or a product of a numeral and one or more variables.""constant (monomial): A monomial consisting of a numeral only; a term with no variable factor. "

What is the part of an expression that has no variable?

The constant. For instance, if you had 2x +5, +5 would be your constant, because no matter what number you substitute in for x, the last term of the expression will be +5. It is independent of the x and y value.

What does constant mean in an algebraic expression?

A constant in an algebraic expression is a number that does not change. For example x + 2 The 2 is a constant (does not change) x is a variable (can take on any value)

Does a variable expression consists only of numbers?

An algebraic expression can have a mixture of numbers and variables, but it does not contain an equals sign.

If structure is arraythen an individual array element can be accessed by writing a variable?

A structure is not an array. Individual array elements are accessed through a number, called a "subscript". This subscript can be a constant, or a variable, or any expression that can be evaluated to give an integer.A structure is not an array. Individual array elements are accessed through a number, called a "subscript". This subscript can be a constant, or a variable, or any expression that can be evaluated to give an integer.A structure is not an array. Individual array elements are accessed through a number, called a "subscript". This subscript can be a constant, or a variable, or any expression that can be evaluated to give an integer.A structure is not an array. Individual array elements are accessed through a number, called a "subscript". This subscript can be a constant, or a variable, or any expression that can be evaluated to give an integer.

How many terms are in the expression 2x 8 - 2y 1?

A term can be a signed number, a variable, or a constant multiplied by a variable or variables. Each term in an algebraic expression is separated by a + sign or J sign. In , the terms are: 5x, 3y, and 8. When a term is made up of a constant multiplied by a variable or variables, that constant is called a coefficient.

What is the expression for x equals 3 and y equals 6?

A mathematical expression in its' most simplistic form, merely assigns a value to a variable. Don't confuse an expression with an equation. An equation requires a solution. An expression cannot be "solved". It only allows you to determine the value of a variable. This is the expression in words "x is equal to 3" (X is the variable which is equal to the constant number 3) This is the expression in numbers "x=3" The expression in words "y is equal to 6" (Y is the variable which is equal to the constant number 6) The expression in numbers is "y=6" I hope you understand now.

What is the constant and variable of 6x?

The constant is the number; the variable is the letter.

Is a constant a number variable or the product of a number and one or more variables?

A constant is not a variable at all, and none of its factors was a variable. It is constant.

What is a cofficient?

A coefficient is a number or symbol that multiplies a variable in an algebraic expression or equation. It is the numerical factor that is applied to a variable to determine the overall value of the term.