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Q: What is the numeral for one quarter?
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2 and a quarter billion or 2,250,000,000 = 2.25x109.

What is the numeral for a quarter of a million?

As the Roman numeral "M" "1000" is the largest numeral, it would me "M" 250 times.

What does the roman numeral XL stand for?

X is the roman numeral for 10 and L represents the roman numeral for a quarter of the numerals that appear before it. So in this case the numeral before the L is X, and so a quarter of 10 is 2.5. Therefore, the roman numeral for XL would stand for 12.5 in modern day numbers.Improved Answer:-XL = 40

What is the Roman numeral for one?

The roman numeral for one is I.

What does numeral uno mean?

Numeral uno means number one in Spanish. It also means roman numeral one in Spanish which is "I". Edit: "numeral uno" actually means "numeral one". But you probably meant to write "número uno" which means "number one". It does not mean roman numeral one.

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The roman numeral for one half is S.

One million one hundred one thousand and 1 as a numeral?

It would be 1,101,001 in numeral form.

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The Roman Numeral is one (I) - Copper(I) Sulfate.

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What does the roman numeral mccmlxxvii stand for?

I don't know. I've never seen a Roman numeral with more than one lesser numeral preceding a greater numeral, as in "...CCM...". If you remove one of the C's, MCMLXXVII is 1977.

What does it mean to round to one decimal place?

It means to move the decimal point to the left until only one numeral remains to the right side of the decimal point, and to increase that one numeral by adding one if the next numeral to the right of it was 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 or to decrease that one numeral subtracting one if the next numeral to the right of it was 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.

What percentage is equivalent to a quarter?

one forth means one out of four... it means a quarter