XXLII is not a Roman numeral as it does not conforms to the rules of writing numerals. If it were a numeral you might suppose that it would represent... (20 less than 50) + 2 which is of course 32 but the correct Roman numeral for 32 is XXXII
M = 1000, XL = 40 (10 less than 50) so MXL represents 1040.
75 50 + 20 = 5
1944 M = 1000 CM = 900 (100 less than 1000) XL = 40 (10 less than 50) IV = 4 (1 less than 5)
It is: 50-30 = XX = 20
XXLII is not a Roman numeral as it does not conforms to the rules of writing numerals. If it were a numeral you might suppose that it would represent... (20 less than 50) + 2 which is of course 32 but the correct Roman numeral for 32 is XXXII
XXXL is not a real Roman numeral L = 50 and X = 10. Putting a 'smaller' letter in front of a 'larger' one was a way to signify "less than" so that XL = 40.... 10 less than 50. But the Romans would not have put three consecutive Xs in front of an L. Doing that would tend to indicate 30 less than 50, but that equals 20 and 20 was always represented by XX. Only one lesser numeral was ever put in front of a larger one. X = 10 XX = 20 XXX = 30 XL = 40 L = 50 LX = 60 LXX = 70 LXXX = 80 XC = 90 C = 100
M = 1000, XL = 40 (10 less than 50) so MXL represents 1040.
50 Pints = 6.25 Gallons
Oh, dude, so you want me to do some math for you? Alright, let's break it down. Twice the number 50 is 100, right? And 20 less than 100 is 80. So, 20 less than twice the number 50 is 80. Boom, math wizard right here!
The correct answer is 20.
75 50 + 20 = 5
1944 M = 1000 CM = 900 (100 less than 1000) XL = 40 (10 less than 50) IV = 4 (1 less than 5)
100 + 50 + 20 + 9 = 179
It is: 50-30 = XX = 20
The difference between 20 degrees Celsius and 50 degrees Celsius is 30 degrees.
The prime numbers between 20 and 50 are: 23 29 31 37 41 43 47