The numerical meaning of the SI prefix "kilo" is 1000. It represents a factor of 10^3 (10 raised to the power of 3). For example, one kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.
100 is the Numerical meaning for hecto
In math Kilo is the metric prefix meaning 1000 times.
The numerical meaning of the SI prefix "kilo" is 1000. It represents a factor of 10^3 (10 raised to the power of 3). For example, one kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.
Kilo comes from the Greek khiloi and means, curiously enough, 1000. It is interesting enough, the onlyprefix with a direct numerical meaning.
it means billions Mega means Millions Kilo means thousands
100 is the Numerical meaning for hecto
What is the numerical of micro?
The prefix meaning x 1000 is "kilo-".
In metric measurement the prefix Kilo~ means one thousand.
A kilogram is a measurement unit for mass. There is no numerical aspect to it.
When the metric system was created, the inventors used the Greek word for 1000, kilo, as the prefix meaning 1000. They used the Latin word for 1000, mill, as the prefix meaning 1/1000.