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Q: What is the only letter with two parallel horizontal lines?
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Does the letter M have two sets of parallel lines?

No, there is only 1 set of parallel lines in the letter M.

Lines drawn parallel to the axes of the graph?

Lines drawn parallel to the axes have only one letter.y=5 is horizontal, parallel to the x-axisx=5 is vertical , parallel to the y-axis.

What is the only letter with two parralel horizontal lines?

How about Z, E or F

What letters in the alphabet have 2 pairs of parallel lines?

E is the only letter.

What kind of symmetry lines does an D have?

The letter "D" has only one line of symmetry, going horizontal across the letter.

What is the definition of a slope of parallel lines?

Horizontal lines have a slope of zero, and the slope of vertical lines is undefined. Parallel lines have equal slopes, and perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals of each other. So we can say that: Two nonvertical lines are parallel if and only if they have the same slope. Two lines are perpendicular if and only if their slopes are negative reciprocals of each other. That is, if the slopes are m1 and m2, then: m1 = - 1/m2 or (m1)(m2) = -1

Does a regular pentagon only haVE parallel lines?

No lines are parallel in a regular pentagon.

What does it look to have two parallel lines that are intersected by a third line perpendicular to the parallel lines?

It looks like a ladder with only one step, a railroad track with only one tie, or the upper-case letter ' H '.

Does rhombus and kite have parallel lines?

Yes, they do have parallel lines. * * * * * Only rhombuses do, kites do not.

Are two lines with different slopes are parallel?

No, only lines that have the same slope can be parallel.

Can you draw lines that are parallel but not intersecting?

That's the only kind of parallel lines there are, non-intersecting!

What shapes have no parallel lines?

Well, parallel lines are a pair of lines that could go on forever without intersecting. They could be going in the vertical direction or in the horizontal direction. I'm going to list a few shapes; circle triangle I'm sure there are more, but those are the only ones I could think of at the top of my head.