The opposite is 8584073464 while the reciprocal is -1/8584073464. If you mean the opposite of the reciprocal of -8584073464 then is 1/8584073464.
The answer depends on what you mean by the "opposite" of a number. A reciprocal is one type of opposite: it is the multiplicative opposite.
To divide by a fraction, you multiply by its reciprocal. This is related to the facts that (1) division is the opposite of multiplication, and (2) a reciprocal is the multiplicative "opposite" of a number.
The property of the reciprocal of the opposite of a number is: Reciprocals of inverse values are themselves inverse values. i.e. for b = (-1)a , the reciprocal 1/b = (-1) 1/a The negative or positive status of a reciprocal is the same as that of the original number.
The product of a number and its reciprocal is one. A reciprocal is, quite simply, the opposite of the number.
opposite is -200 reciprocal is 1/200
Opposite of fractions is called reciprocal.
The answer depends on what you mean by the "opposite" of a number. A reciprocal is one type of opposite: it is the multiplicative opposite.
- 200 would be the opposite of 200 on the number line. 1/200 is the reciprocal of 200.
The answer depends on what you mean by the "opposite" of a number. A reciprocal is one type of opposite: it is the multiplicative opposite.
The reciprocal of the square root of 6 is ±0.4082 (approx). Not sure what is meant by opposite.
Actually it IS. perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes and parallel lines have the same slope.
I suppose you mean what is an opposite reciprocal? At any rate, we should start there. The opposite reciprocal is -(1/x) so let's take the number 5. The opposite reciprocal would be -1/5. If you want two lines to be perpendicular you must take the original slope of the first line and change it to its opposite reciprocal. For example: y=5x A line perpendicular to this line would be y=-1/5x.
To divide by a fraction, you multiply by its reciprocal. This is related to the facts that (1) division is the opposite of multiplication, and (2) a reciprocal is the multiplicative "opposite" of a number.
1/19 would be the reciprocal of 19. It's just the opposite.
pi-4 is the opposite and 1/4-pi is the reciprocal
The opposite of -2.4 is 2.4. The reciprocal of -2.4=-24/10=-12/5 is -5/12=-0.41(6)