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Opposite of fractions is called reciprocal.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

The multiplicative opposite of a non-zero fraction is its reciprocal.

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Q: What is the opposite of fraction?
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What is the opposite of one third?

The opposite of one third is negative one third. This is because the opposite of a positive fraction is a negative fraction with the same value.

Do a fraction have a opposite?

Their negative counterparts can be considered opposite. So can their reciprocals.

What is the opposite if fraction?

Whole number

What is the opposite of system?

Fraction, reality, or part. Those words mean opposite of system.

What is the opposite of an improper fraction?

The answer depends on what you mean by "opposite". Many users mean additive inverse - in which case it is a negative improper fraction. Some use the term to refer to the multiplicative inverse, in which case it is a proper fraction.

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Expanding fractions

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a negative integer or a fraction (as in 1/integer) or a negative fraction (as in -1/integer).

When you divide one fraction and another why do you have to turn it into a reciprocal?

To divide by a fraction, you multiply by its reciprocal. This is related to the facts that (1) division is the opposite of multiplication, and (2) a reciprocal is the multiplicative "opposite" of a number.

What is opposite of odd numbers?

The opposite of odd is even. If you divide a even or odd number with odd, you will still get a fraction, or a romander.

If both the numerator and the denominator are negative does that make the fraction negative?

No!If numerator and denominator have the same signs the fraction is positive.If numerator and denominator have opposite signs the fraction is negative.

What is the flipped fraction in division called?

Reciprical.. it's not just flipped, it's also opposite

What happends when a numarator in a fraction gets bigger?

When the numerator gets bigger, the fraction gets bigger; that is, it has a greater value The opposite is true if the denominator gets bigger; in this case the the fraction gets smaller; that is, it has a lesser value