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Q: What is the opposite of 0 for negative numbers?
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All of the whole numbers and their opposite numbers?

all numbers are whole numbers. anything from 0-infinity. a numbers opposite is its negative or positive. so 7's opposite is -7

Is there a greatest negative integer?

Yes, there is a greatest negative integer. It is -1 because -1 is the only negative number before 0 and negative numbers are the opposite of positive numbers.

What are opposite numbers?

Opposite numbers are another words for negative numbers.-4 is opposite of +45,6,7,8,9, and so on

Are the product of two opposite numbers positive?

No. The product of two opposite numbers is always negative. Negative x positive = negative and Positive x negative = negative

Explain what opposite numbers are?

They are the numbers that are placed on a number line that are exact same distance away from 0

What are numbers that are the same distance from 0 but in opposite direction?

Negative and Positive numbers. Ex. -4 & 4 are the same distance from zero which is 4.

Why does every integer have an opposite?

The numbers 1,2,3,... etc are called natural numbers or counting numbers. Integers are the natural numbers plus zero plus the negative ( or opposite ) natural numbers. Why do we need negative natural numbers ? For one thing x + 1 = 0 is an equation whose solution is x = -1. We could not solve this equation if we did not have negative integers. So over history these negative numbers came about as a way to solve certain math problems. The numbers 1,2,3,... etc are called natural numbers or counting numbers. Integers are the natural numbers plus zero plus the negative ( or opposite ) natural numbers. Why do we need negative natural numbers ? For one thing x + 1 = 0 is an equation whose solution is x = -1. We could not solve this equation if we did not have negative integers. So over history these negative numbers came about as a way to solve certain math problems.

If a number is a counting number or the opposite of a counting number then is it an integer?

A counting number is the numbers you lear as a little kid, counting numbers are one and up. Integers include the counting numbers, 0, and the opposite (negative) of counting numbers. So yes, a counting number or the opposite of a counting number is an integer.

If a number is a counting number or the opposite of a counting number then it is an integer?

A counting number is the numbers you lear as a little kid, counting numbers are one and up. Integers include the counting numbers, 0, and the opposite (negative) of counting numbers. So yes, a counting number or the opposite of a counting number is an integer.

Which is bigger -9 or -17?


What is the opposite of numbered?

Opposite numbers are numbers such that their sum is equal to 0 So the opposite number of -98 is 98

Can a positive have an opposite?

Any positive numbers opposite is the same number just as a negative.