

What is the ordinate axis?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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14y ago

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it is the y-axis

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Q: What is the ordinate axis?
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Is the x axis the same as the ordinate?

No the x axis is the abscissa and the y axis the ordinate.

This y-axis is also called the?

The y axis is the vertical axis and a y coordinate is the 'ordinate' The x axis is the horizontal and a x coordinate is the 'abscissa'

Is the horizontal axis known as the ordinate?

the horizontal axis is known as the x axis

What is another name for the axis?


What is the other name for the y axis?


What is another name for the Y axis?


How do you use ordinate in a sentence?

Keep in mind that 'ordinate' is a noun and refers to the distance between a point and the x-axis on a Cartesian plane, or the y-coordinate of the point. You could say, then, "The ordinate of point A is (blank)," which would refer to the distance from point A to the x-axis, or if you want to assure that there is no confusion, "The ordinate of point A to the x-axis is (blank)." To my knowledge, that is the only use for the word 'ordinate.'

How do you read coordinate?

If the co-ordinate you are talking about is in the form of (X,Y) X is the term on the x axis (Bottom axis) Y is the term on the y axis (The Vertical axis) the total co-ordinate will be where the unit on each axis cross.

What is name of y coordinate?

another name for Y axis is ordinate axis

In slope formula rise is what?

Rise is the change in the y axis (or ordinate axis or vertical axis) values.

Another name of y axis?

The y axis is referred to as the ordinate axis The x axis is called the abcissa

In a line graph the horizontal axis is also called the?

"The x-axis or the x co-ordinate (also known as the horizontal axis of the graph or its abscissa) is the first element in a pair of co-ordinates. On the other hand, the y-axis or the y co-ordinate (also known as the vertical axis of the graph or its ordinate) is the second element in a pair of co-ordinates."