not sure, but i think it means someones lost it/gone crazy etc. i think it comes from the Indians being put in reservations and if you "go off the reservation" your crazy you could get linched or shot or something.
it derives from a 15th Century word 'Kilter or Kelter' meaning 'good condition' Further to that origin unknown. Off kilter thus meaning not functioning properly.
This is often called the "origin".This is often called the "origin".This is often called the "origin".This is often called the "origin".
The origin is from Babylonia
what is the history and origin of mathematics
This is the measurement recorded when, in fact, it should be 0. It is the measurement when there is nothing to measure but the reading is not exactly 0 because the calibration has gone off.
You can say "Mo ni iyọdẹ" in Yoruba to mean "I have a reservation."
They have cancelled your reservation.
There are 2 types of hotel reservations. Under the heading guaranteed reservation you have guaranteed reservation, prepayment guaranteed reservation, credit/debit card guaranteed reservation, advance deposit guaranteed reservation, travel agent guaranteed reservations, corporate guaranteed and voucher and under the heading non- guaranteed reservation you have non- guaranteed reservation.
They were forced off because the government wanted their land.
To identify ham when it has gone off, you must smell and touch it. If it feels sticky and slippery, and has a bad smell to it, it has gone off.
Well if its spoiled or "gone off" its bad, why keep it?
Sure you can ! Is it legal ? NO If caught you can be fined for tresspassing and escorted off of the reservation.
reservation centersproperty-to-propertythird partiesdirect reservation
Guaranteed reservation Non-guaranteed/regular reservation Confirmed reservationIn this reservation hotel refuse the guest reservation
you can eat gone off cheese but it's not very good for you plus it tastes horrible!