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You're asking how to calculate the final sale price of a discounted good. The formula is: Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Rate). As an example, let's say a laptop is priced at $499.99 and the store is offering a 10% discount. Our equation would look like: $499.99 - (499.99 x 0.10) = 449.99.
In most states, sales tax is applied to the final purchase price, thus the answer to this question would be the discount price.
The discount is 75.1%
discount is an amount deducted from the usual list price
34% discount
The answer will depend on what information you do have.
The original price was $104.00
You're asking how to calculate the final sale price of a discounted good. The formula is: Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Rate). As an example, let's say a laptop is priced at $499.99 and the store is offering a 10% discount. Our equation would look like: $499.99 - (499.99 x 0.10) = 449.99.
In most states, sales tax is applied to the final purchase price, thus the answer to this question would be the discount price.
The discount is 75.1%
It the context of the calculation of percentage changes, it is either the price before taxes (sales, VAT) are added, a price increase, or before a discount is applied.
Sales discount is the reduction in price of value of sales to customer for promotional purposes.
discount is an amount deducted from the usual list price
It is 10.20