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Q: What is the part for two diameters?
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Can you have two diameters in a circle?

Any chord that goes through the center of the circle is a diameter.You can draw an infinite number of diameters in any circle.In one circle, all of the diameters have the same length.

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What is the size of Jupiter compered to earth in diameters?

The size of Jupiter is about 11 Earth diameters, but that is the size of the visible part that is actually the top of a possibly very thick layer of clouds.

What two gaseous diameters are nearly equal in size?

uranus and neptune

A pair of parallel chords that are not diameters?

just two parallel chords!

How do you find the ratio between two circles when the diameters are given?

If you mean ratio then I don't quite understand the question.. but if you mean RADIUS Then you take the diameter and divide it by two. ============================================== There's no such thing as the ratio of circles. You can find the ratio of their diameters, the ratio of their radiussesses, and the ratio of their areas. -- The ratio of their diameters is: One diameter divided by the other one. -- The ratio of their radiusses is the same number as the ratio of their diameters. -- The ratio of their areas is the square of that same number.

2 equal diameters equal?

Yes, any two equal things are equal!

How do you explain about how many diameters a circle has?

There are infinite amount of diameters.

Are all chords diameters?

No, all chords are not diameters, though all diameters are chords.