The arithmetic logic unit or ALU performs arithmetic, logic, and integer operations. ALU was created by mathematician John von Neumann in 1945.
The ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit)
In computing, an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
ALU, the Arithmetic Logic Unit.
Arithmetic Logic Unit.It's a section in a microprocessor that handles (among other things) arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction.
Ah, what a delightful question! The component of the processor that performs arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations is called the Arithmetic Logic Unit, or ALU for short. It's like the magical paintbrush of the processor, bringing numbers and logic together to create beautiful computations. Just imagine all the happy little calculations happening inside your computer, bringing harmony and balance to your digital world.
The ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations. ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit.
The arithmetic logic unit or ALU performs arithmetic, logic, and integer operations. ALU was created by mathematician John von Neumann in 1945.
The "arithmetic logic unit" performs these operations in classical standard microprocessor architectures
The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) within the computer's central processing unit (CPU) carries out arithmetic operations. Some designs also support a dedicated floating-point processing unit (FPU), which carries out arithmetic, trigonometric and logic operations based on floating-point variable types.
The unit that performs the arithmetic and logical operations within the processor is called the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
The ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit)
The function of the Arithmetic Logic Unit is to perform the arithmetic operations and boolean logic operations needed during instruction execution.Some Arithmetic Logic Units also provide temporary storage for operands and/or results of these operations in registers or accumulators, others do not provide any temporary storage (depending on the computer's architecture and/or implementation).
Arithmetic logic unit in the cpu
In computing, an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.