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the other team gets the ball

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Q: What is the penalty for stepping on or over any side or end line with the basketball?
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Are you in violation of stepping over the inbound line while throwing the basketball when you are on the line or over the line in high school rules?

Technically it's over the line but it's rarely called.

What happens if a team has the ball first and ten on their 30 yard line and a pass is received at the 33 yard line and a player makes it to the 39 but a penalty flag is thrown at the 35 yard line?

Different penalties have different inforcments. Some are considered "spot fouls" and are inforced from the "spot" of the infraction. Others are continuation penalties and are enforced from the result of the play. SPOT FOUL: If it was offensive holding at the 35, the team would be penalized from the spot of the infraction...ball placed at the 25 yard line. CONTINUATION PENALTY: If it was defensive face mask (inadvertant), the offense would be given 5 yards onto the end of the run, 1st and 10 at the 44. A continuation penalty can not result in a touchdown. When the penalty is over half the distance to the goal, you are awarded "half the distance to the goal".

Does 99.9 with a line over it equal to 100?

No it does not equal 100; it is still less than 100. Theoretically though, yes. Let X = 99.9 with a line over it. 10 X = 999.9 with a line over it. Ten 9 X = 900 because 999.9 with a line over it - 99.9 with a line over it = 900. Then X = 100!

What is 1234567 in roman numerals?

M with a line over it is represents 1,000,000. C with a line over it is 100,000. X with a line over it is 10,000. V with a line over it is 5,000. The regular rules of numeral writing are the same with large numbers. Therefore, 12345657 is: ________ MCCXXXIVDLXVII

What does a line over a Roman Numeral?

A line over a Roman numeral represents multiplication of that numeral by a thousand. For example, a line over the numeral X represents 10,000 (10 * 1000) and a line over the numeral V represents 5,000 (5 * 1000).

Related questions

Are you in violation of stepping over the inbound line while throwing the basketball when you are on the line or over the line in high school rules?

Technically it's over the line but it's rarely called.

When free throws are taken for a technical foul do both teams have to be standing on the other side of the half way line- if so what is the penalty for stepping over the line?

Each player must stay on half court, however I'm not too sure if there's a penalty for stepping over the line. The ref. may call for a redo not too sure.

What kinds of fault are there in badminton?

stepping over the line. incorrect serve.

In the game of basketball what is the penalty when a defensive player flops to the ground over and over again?

In the NBA they are now fined for flopping if it is determined from the video which the league watches after the fact. But no in game penalty.

What is the penalty if a player commits a foul when his team is in possession of the basketball?

the ball is turned over to the other team

Can you exit the key by stepping over the end line?

Yes but then you would be off the court dummy

What is meant by'' crossing the line''?

When you step over someone's boundary. For instance, you're friends with someone of the opposite sex and you kiss her she might say 'you just crossed the line'.

When is it out in basketball?

In the game of basketball it is out when either the ball is bounced on the line or anywhere in the out of bounds area or when u have the ball and any part of you body (or ball) touches the line or goes over the line. Hope this helps!!

How do you get a foul in a field event?

Over-stepping a line is a foul in almost all the field events. There is also: throwing out of bounds or hitting a bar.

How much does a penalty for over speed cost?

for over speed penalty 150 sr

Who far is east to west?

Stepping over the Prime Meridian, (or the anti-meridian) an imaginary line, would take you from east to west. The distance is actually infinitesimally small.

What is a 'outofbounds' in basketball?

A ball is out of bounds if it goes over the baseline (the line that goes in a rectangle all around the court)