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Q: What is the percent a student would get on an 85 question exam if the student got 71 questions correct?
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On a biology test a student got 25 questions correct but did not pass On a second attempt the student got 35 questions correct What was the percent of increase?

The percent that 35 is increased from 25 is (35 - 25) / 25 * 100, or 40 percent.

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3/40 = 0,075 0,075 x 100 = 7,5 % 100% - 7,5 % = 92,5 % correct

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Since the student correctly answered 72 questions out of the total, the total number of questions on the test would be 96 (72 / 0.75). To find this, you can use the formula: (number of correct answers) / (percentage as a decimal).

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a mentor is there to help and guide the student and answer questions, if they cannot answer the question then the mentor will try and find the correct answer from some one who has knowledge of that subject.

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I would think about 70% of them need to be correct

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Since there are only two options for the answer, on average the student will answer half of the answers correctly.

How do you grade a test with 110 questions?

The same way you grade any test - you add up how many questions the student got correct and then divide that by the total number of questions. In order to change that into percentage, you then multiply that number by 100.For example, if someone got 92 out of 110 questions right, their score would be 92/100 = 0.836 x 100 = 83.6 percent.

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