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Q: What is the percent chance that a normal male and a female carrier will have a child who has the disorder?
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A female who is a carrier of Fabry's disease has what chance of having a daughter who is a carrier?

The mother has a 50% chance of passing the defective recessive gene to her daughters who will be carries of the disorder (like their mother).

Why can a female be a carrier of a sex linked genetic disorder?

When a female is heterozygous i.e. she possess one allele of disease , she is called carrier .

Who is a person that is a carrier for a sex-linked recessive disorder?

Usually female.

What is true of sex linked alleles'?

A female with one copy of the allele will be a carrier, but not have the disorder.

What is a carrier for hemophilia?

A carrier for hemophilia is a female who carries the genetic mutation for hemophilia on one of her X chromosomes, but does not exhibit symptoms of the condition herself. Carriers can pass on the gene mutation to their children, resulting in hemophilia in male offspring. Testing can confirm carrier status.

What percent chance did you and yoyr partner have of producing male or female offspring?

50/50 chance

How many children would have hemophilia if the female was a carrier of hemophilia and male was normal?

Hemophilia is passed down from mother to son. It is extremely rare for a woman to have hemophilia. It is necessary, though, for a woman to be a carrier of the disorder for her son to acquire this disorder. Females have two X chromosomes whereas males only have one. When a boy is born, he takes one X chromosome from his mother and one Y chromosome from his father. Therefore, he can only get hemophilia through his mother. Example One: Mother(Carrier)+Father(Non-Affected)=50% chance of their son acquiring the disorder and 50% chance of their daughter being a carrier. Example Two: Mother(Non-Affected)+Father(Hemophiliac)=All sons will be non-affected and all daughters will be carriers.

If a female carrier for hemophilia mates with a healthy male who doesn't have hemophilia what are the expected genotypes and phenotypes of their children?

The offspring will have a 50% chance of being a carrier female (XHX), a 50% chance of being a healthy male (XHY), and a 0% chance of having hemophilia. Hemophilia is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait, meaning the father passes on the Y chromosome to sons, who will not inherit the X-linked disorder.

Can an eevee lay a female egg in Pokemon diamond?

Yes but there is only a 12.5 percent chance of it happening

Does hemophilia skip a generation?

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is usually inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. It can appear to skip a generation when a carrier female passes the gene to her son, who then expresses the disorder. However, it doesn't truly skip a generation as the gene is passed on in each generation.

Red-green colorblindness is an X-linked trait. Color vision (XR) is dominant to red-green colorblindness (Xr). Cynthia has red-green colorblindness and so does her husband Tom. What is the probability?

Using the Punnet square, if the male is xY and the female is XX, where x = recessive and X = dominant, then males get the disease since they only have 1 x chromosome. Females can be carriers, Xx, or have the disease..xx, or not at all X X (female none carrier)x Xx XxY XY XY(male carrier)Leaves you with 100 percent chance of daughters being carriers, and 100 Percent chance for sons being healthy none carriers....

Can a person be a carrier for a dominant genetic disorder?

Anyone can be a carrier of a recessive genetic disorder (as long as it is not associated with the sex chromosomes) no matter what their gender since "carrier" refers to an individual that is heterozygous for the recessive allele and therefore phenotypically normal. Specifically, sexlinked genetic disorders can be "carried" by a heterozygous female but males (having only one X chromosome) cannot. Males will either be free of the defective gene or be affected.