14/26 = 7/13 = 0.538461538 = 53.85%
13.3198 Simplified to nearest tenth: 13.3 Simplified to nearest whole number: 13
100% increase.
40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%
14/26 = 7/13 = 0.538461538 = 53.85%
9/26 = 34.6%
To convert 25.5 to the nearest percent, you would divide 25.5 by 1 to get 2550%. This is because 1% is equal to 1/100 or 0.01. Therefore, 25.5 is equivalent to 2550% when rounded to the nearest percent.
100% increase.
13.3198 Simplified to nearest tenth: 13.3 Simplified to nearest whole number: 13
It means that the result of your calculation will be a percentage which may not be a whole number and you need to round to the nearest whole number. Use the normal rounding. eg 36.4% to the nearest whole percent is 36% eg 25.74568567% to the nearest whole percent is 26% eg 10% to the nearest whole percent is 10%
66.6667% decrease.
100% increase.
40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%