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None, if you own it before using it.

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Q: What is the percentage charged for the use of money?
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Related questions

What is interest rate?

The percentage of a sum of money charged for its use.

What does a bank charge you when you borrow money from it?

When you borrow money from a bank, you are charged interest. interest is a fee for the use of someone else's mony and is usually a percentage of the amount of money borrowed. It is charged and paid each month, week, or day on the amount of borrowed money that has not yet been repaid.

What is percentage charged for convenience of exchanging one kind of money for another?


What does interest rate mean?

The percentage of a sum of money charged for it's used.

What is the percentage charged for exchanging one kind of money for another called?

That is called 'agio' .

Which term is defined as a fee charged for the use of money?


What are five ways people use percentages?

If you have money in the bank you get a certain percentage interest. If you borrow money you have to pay a certain percentage extra back. If you buy a product a percentage of the price is tax. When you earn money you pay a percentage in tax. The government knows what percentage of the population are unemployed.

Is a percentage of the amount loaned which is a charge for the use of the money?


What term is defined as fee charged for the use of money?

It is interest payable, usually on agreed terms.

A percentage of the amount in the savings account which is a reward for the bank's use of the money?


Why interest are charged on loans?

Interest is like the rental paid on money that someone else has let you use.

What are negative interest rates?

A negative interest rate is when the central bank charges banks a small percentage for depositing their money there. The hope is that this will encourage the banks to lend their money rather than keeping it and being charged.