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Q: What is the percentage error for a mass measurement of 17.7g given that the correct value is 21.2g?
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What is the percent error for a mass measurement of 17.1 g given that the correct value is 19.9 g?

19.9 - 17.1 = 2.8; 2.8 / 19.9 is approximately 0.1407, so your answer is approximately 14.07%.

What is percentage error?

Given a true value and the measured value,the error is measured value - true value;the relative error is (measured value - true value)/true value, andthe percentage error is 100*relative error.

How do you calculate percentage error for density of pennies?

Percent error refers to the percentage difference between a measured value and an accepted value. To calculate the percentage error for density of pennies, the formula is given as: percent error = [(measured value - accepted value) / accepted value] x 100.

What is the method of expressing the accuracy of measured quantities?

One way is for each measurement to be accompanied by an error bound.For example, height = 1.78 metre (± 0.5 cm). The error could also be given in percentage terms. That is more common with calculated values rather than measured ones.

How can you find error limit?

The error in a set of observations is usually expressed in terms of the Standard Deviation of the measurement set. This implies that for a given plotted point, you have several measurements.

What is more clearly specified the uncertainty of quantity the numerical or percentage error?

If the estimated value is given, then calculating the numerical error from the percentage error, or the other way around, is a trivial exercise. If the estimated value is not known then it is impossible to tell which of the two is clearer.

Why do you use average percentage error and why is it better than mean error?

Percentage error shows how wrong an answer can be with respect to the value of the answer itself. So, we can see how serious the errors are. For example, lets say we have an answer whose mean error is 40. If nothing is given of the actual value of the answer, we cannot determine if this error is insignificant or very serious. If the actual answer was 40000, this mean error of 40 is quite insignificant as the percentage error is 40/40000 x 100 = 0.1 % 0.1 % error is quite insignificant. Mean error, on the other hand, does not help us to determine the significance of this error in any way.

How do you find greatest possible error for measurement of 18.3 m?

It is half the place value of the last digit that is given. In this case, it is + or -0.05m = + or - 5 cm.

In a percentage error calculation what value do you use for g if you take it as 9.81?

Since g is given to 2 decimal places you can assume that g is rounded to the hundredths place. That means the maximum ABSOLUTE error in g is 0.005 metres/sec2. The percentage error, is 100*(0.005/9.81) = 0.051 (approx)

What is the greatest possible error for 45.98?

The answer will depend on the precision of the measurement. The fact that the answer is given to 2 decimal places does not imply that the measurement is accurate to 2 dp. It could have been measured using an instrument accurate to 0.02 units.

What is the unit of measurement for a cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

How big is 39 x 57 art picture?

It is impossible to tell when there are no units of measurement given with the numbers.It is impossible to tell when there are no units of measurement given with the numbers.It is impossible to tell when there are no units of measurement given with the numbers.It is impossible to tell when there are no units of measurement given with the numbers.