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Surgical injuries to the ureter or bowel occur in approximately 0.1% of c-sections.

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Q: What is the percentage risk factor of ureter or bowel injury?
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What does BBB care stands for in spinal injury?

Bowel, bladder and bone care

Why is Bowel resection done?

Bowel resection may be performed to treat various disorders of the intestine, including cancer, obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease, ruptured diverticulum, ischemia, or traumatic injury

Does brainstem injury affect bowels?

Yes, brainstem injury can affect bowel function as the brainstem plays a crucial role in regulating autonomic functions such as digestion and bowel movements. Damage to the brainstem can disrupt the signals that control the smooth muscle movements necessary for normal bowel function. Symptoms may include constipation, diarrhea, and incontinence.

What are the risks of ureteral stenting?

Bleeding, Catheter migration or dislodgement, Coiling of the stent within the ureter, Introduction or worsening of infection, Penetration of adjacent organs (e.g., bowel, gallbladder, or lungs)

What does beige bowel movements mean?

It means you have a Dave factor of higher than 70%

Can you poop out glass?

If you have eaten glass, yes, it is possible that you could excrete it in a bowel movement. This will most likely be painful and could cause internal injury.

What muscles are directly involved with the lumbar spinal injury?

Lumbar Nerves "L" (nerves in the lower back) supply the legs, the bladder, bowel and sexual organs.

What is the injury that diarrhea do?

That question is a winner. I especially like how you worded it. The "injury" that you speak of is possibly Hemorrhoids. It can be caused from excessive strain through bowel movements. You can also become dehydrated from diarrhea due to the loss of fluids, leading to numerous other illnesses.

What is intestinal ischemia and what prevention methods are there for it?

Intestinal Ischemia is a problem with your bowel. It appears to be an injury to your intestines. It is mostly common among the elderly. This does not mean a young person can not also have.

What happens when the brain's associations areas are injured?

The effects of a brain injury are complex and vary from person to person. Brain is responsible for visual interpretation, hence a brain associated injury can affect the sense of vision. It can also result in memory loss. A brain injury can also effect regulating body temperature; blood pressure; bowel and bladder control.

List the complications which arise from changing a suprapubic catheter?

Major complications are rare and may include bowel perforation, entero-cutaneous fistula, bladder perforation, fracture with intra-cavity loss of catheter fragment, knotting of the catheter, catheter migration into the ureter, and an increased risk of bladder cancer.

Why do I have bloody stools every time I have a bowel movement?

Bloody stools can be caused by hemorrhoids, a digestive tract injury, and being constipated. If you don't know what the source is you should consult with your primary care physician.