

Best Answer

There is not enough information.

First you need to know what shape: circle, ellipse, triangle, square, other quadrilateral, a polygon with 5 or more sides.

Then you need some information on whether or not the shape is regular. If not, you need more information on the relationships between the sides.

The more informative your question is, the more informative the answer will be.

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Q: What is the perimeter for a 15 square units?
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What is the area of a closed figure with a perimeter of 15 square units?

The perimeter is not going to have sq units. If the perimeter of a square is 15 units then the area would be 14.0625units squared.

If the perimeter of a square is 24 square units what is the area?

36 square units. You can't express a perimeter in square units; a perimeter is a length expressed in ordinary units. If the perimeter of this square is 24 units then the answer above is correct.

What is the area and perimeter of a base of 15 and a height of 12?

If it's a rectangle then:- Area = 15*12 = 180 square units Perimeter = 15+15+12+12 = 54 units of measurement

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units with perimeter square units with area

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If the area of a square is 35 square units the perimeter is: 23.66 units.

A square with an area 90000 square units What is its perimeter?

A square with an area 90,000 square units has a perimeter of: 1,200 units.

What are the dimesions of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 38 units and an area of 60 square units?

The dimensions are 4 units by 15 units

Is the perimeter of a rhombus in units or square units?

Units, because the perimeter is just the edge. The area is square units.

What are the dimensions of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 44 units and an area of 105 square units?

The dimensions work out as 7 units and 15 units

Is perimeter measured in cubic units or square?

Neither. Volume is cubic units and area is square units. Perimeter is just units.

What is the Square with a perimeter of 80 units?

A 20-unit square has a perimeter of 80 units.

A square has an area of 400 what is the perimeter?

A square with an area of 400 square units has a perimeter of 80 units.