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The answer depends on the number of sides in the polygon. Assuming all the sides are equal, the formua for the perimeter would be 5cm x number of sides.

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Q: What is the perimeter of a polygon with 5 cm sides?
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What is the perimeter of a polygon that has 5 cm on each sides?

The answer depends on the number of sides in the polygon. Assuming all the sides are equal, the formua for the perimeter would be 5cm x number of sides.

What is the perimeter square whose sides equal 5 centimeters?

Assuming by "equal" you mean that each side is 5 cm, then the perimeter of a square is 5 cm * 4 (sides) = 5 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm = 20 cm The perimeter of any polygon is the sum of the sides Alternatively if by "equal" you mean the sides sum to 5 cm, then the perimeter is 5 cm. Although this is probably not what you meant =)

Each side of a regular polygon is 2.5 cm in length and the perimeter of the same polygon is 12.5 cms Find the number of sides of the polygon?

There are 5 sides (a pentagon). The perimeter is the length of one side times the number of sides. x * 2.5 = 12.5 and x is 5

What is the perimeter of a regular pentagon with sides measuring 6 cm?

30 cm. The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of its sides; as this one is regular, we can equivalently multiply one side by the number of sides: 5 x 6.

What has a side length of 6 cm and a perimeter of 30 cm?

If a polygon with a perimeter of 30 centimeters has sides with length 6 cm/side, then it has 30 cm / 6 cm per side = 5 sides. So a regular pentagon with a side length of 6 cm has a perimeter of 30 centimeters.

How do you find the perimeter of a pentagon?

A pentagon, which is a 5-sided figure, will have a perimeter equal to the sum of the lengths of all the sides. This will be true for any polygon; the perimeter of any polygon is the sum of the lengths of all the sides. If the pentagon is a regular pentagon, then the perimeter will be 5 times the length of one of the sides. For any regular polygon, the perimeter will be the length of one side times the number of sides in that polygon.

Perimeter of a square with 7-cm sides?

The perimeter is 7 cm

How do you find the perimeter of a pentagon whose sides measures 5 cm?

The perimeter of anything is the distance around it SO ... since a pentagon has 5 sides, the perimeter would be ... 5 (sides) X 5 (cm per side) = 25 cm.

What is the perimeter of a square with sides of 5 cm?

20 cm !

What is the perimeter of a regular pentagon with sides of 5Cm?

Perimeter = 5*5 = 25 cm

What is the sum of a polygon with 9 sides?

If you mean the perimeter of the polygon, then it is 45. Since a polygon has 5 sides, you just multiply it by 9 and you get the answer.Hope that's what you meant!

Perimeter of a pentagon with sides of 1.5cm?

Perimeter = 5*1.5cm = 7.5 cm