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Q: What is the perimeter of a square of side 2 cm?
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Area of a square = side^2 10,000 = side^2 100 = side Perimeter = 4(side) = 4 x 100 = 400 cm

What is the area of a square if the perimeter is 44 cm2?

The area of square is : 1936.0

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The perimeter of the rectangle is 2•66+2•32=196196/4(sides of a square)=49 cm

What is the area of a square that has the perimeter of 32 meters?

perimeter of square = 4 * side side =32/4 =8 m area of square=side * side =8* 8 =64 cm ^ 2

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perimeter_of_square = 4 x side ⇒ side = perimeter ÷ 4 = 52 cm ÷ 4 = 13 cm area_of_square = side2 = (13 cm)2 = 169 cm2

What is the area and perimeter of a square with side length 9cm?

Area = (length of a side)2 = 81 square centimeters Perimeter = 4 x (length of a side) = 36 cm.

What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 25 cm 2?

Since it is a square, all four sides are the same. The side is sqrt(25 cm2) = 5 cm. The perimeter is 4 x 5 cm = 20 cm.

What is the perimeter of a square if the diameter is 10cm?

The perimeter is 20*sqrt(2) cm = 28.2843 cm

What is the perimeter of an equilateral triangle when its area is 692.820323 square cm?

1 Let each side be s 2 If: 0.5*s2*sin(60) = 692.820323 square cm 3 Then: s = square root of (692.820323*2)/sin(60) = 40 cm 4 Perimeter: 3*40 = 120 cm

If the length of a square is 4 centimeters what is the area of the square?

Area of square= side*sideIf you mean by "length of the square" one side of the square, then the area is 16 cm^2 (If you mean by "length of the square" it's perimeter, then you have to get it'a side from that data:Perimeter of squre=4*side -> side = (Perimeter of square)/4 then you get one side and you can calculate the area from that...)

How can a figure have the same area and a larger perimeter?

Consider a square with sides of length x cm whose area is x2 cm and perimeter is 4x cm. Next consider a rectangle with sides of 2x cm and x/2 cm. It area is 2x*x/2 = x2, the same as for the square. But its perimeter is 2*(2x+x/2) = 5x > perimeter of the square. Perimeter of 3x * x/3 = 62/3x cm. Perimeter of 100x * x/100 = 200.02x cm Perimeter of 1000000x * x/1000000 = 2000000.000002x cm. As you can see, it is possible to increase the perimeter without limit.

What is the perimeter of a square if it has an area of 4 centimetres squares?

Suppose the side of the square has length L. Then area = 4 cm2 ie L2 = 4 cm2 so that L = 2 cm Then perimeter = 4*L = 4*2 = 8 cm.