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A rectangle has 4 sides. If one side is 4.5m, then the other side must also be 4.5m. The same goes for 1.5m. So you take: 4.5 + 4.5 + 1.5 + 1.5. Your answer is 12.

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Q: What is the perimetre of a rectangle 4.5m x 1.5m?
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17.555 is equal to 177.555 X square X breadth X with = comes to 177.555

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You measure the sides of the shape you are finding the perimetre of and then add together the measurements. Then you have your answer. eg: 8cm x 7cm x 3cm x 5cm 8+7+3+5=23 answer is 23cm

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for this we'll use the basic formula ie p = 2 (l+b) p = 2 (6+7) p = 2 (13) p = 26 where p is perimeter

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you do 9m x 5m =45m to easy

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15m x 15m = 225 square meters.

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If m = 7, then 15m is equal to 15 x 7 = 105

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It is not possible to answer this question. The shape could be a triangular prism or pyramid and they will have different volumes.

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