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Q: What is the permitted deviation of a pile from the vertical?
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What is allowable eccentricity for pile?

The allowable eccentricity for a pile is typically limited to 1/6 of the pile diameter. This means that the vertical load should be kept within this eccentricity to ensure the stability and structural integrity of the pile. Beyond this limit, the pile may experience excessive lateral deflection or bending that could compromise its performance.

How to Check vertical deviation of tower using theodolite?

To check vertical deviation of tower using theodolite, measure the distance between the target and the point of burst in the plane. There must be a normal line of position along a line perpendicular to the lateral deviation.

What is the difference between pile and pillar?

pile is a type of footing,its necessary where the soil strength is low quality,AND piller is a vertical structure which carrying load from slab and pass to footing,its also known as COLUMN.

Why deviation card of magnetic compass made on north hemisphere not suitable for south hemisphere?

The deviation card of a magnetic compass is specific to the location and magnetic conditions where it was calibrated. Deviation values change when crossing the magnetic equator due to differences in magnetic variation between the two hemispheres. Therefore, a deviation card calibrated in the northern hemisphere may not accurately represent the deviations experienced in the southern hemisphere.

What is it a pile things on top of each other?

A stack is when things are arranged in a vertical column on top of each other.

Pile is a noun?

Yes there are several meanings of "pile" as a noun.some that come to mind are:a heapa vertical reinforcing column (such as under a pier)fecesa radioactive heat source

Give the 4 difference between horizontal and vertical centering?

Horizontal Alignment includes a straight path, curves, or deviation in a horizontal direction. Vertical Alignment includes vertical curves and gradients on the ground. But it is difficult to change the alignment once the road is constructed, so care has to be taken in finalizing the alignment.

What is mean deviation and why is quartile deviation better than mean deviation?

What is mean deviation and why is quartile deviation better than mean deviation?

If quartile deviation is 24. find mean deviation and standard deviation?

Information is not sufficient to find mean deviation and standard deviation.

Relation between quartile deviation and mean deviation?

mean deviation =(4/5)quartile deviation

What is the mean absolute deviation of 8590687579?

None.The mean of a single number is itself.Therefore deviation from the mean = 0Therefore absolute deviation = 0Therefore mean absolute deviation = 0None.The mean of a single number is itself.Therefore deviation from the mean = 0Therefore absolute deviation = 0Therefore mean absolute deviation = 0None.The mean of a single number is itself.Therefore deviation from the mean = 0Therefore absolute deviation = 0Therefore mean absolute deviation = 0None.The mean of a single number is itself.Therefore deviation from the mean = 0Therefore absolute deviation = 0Therefore mean absolute deviation = 0

How do you calculate mean average deviation?

The mean average deviation is the same as the mean deviation (or the average deviation) and they are, by definition, 0.