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Q: What is the person who buys a product called?
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When a person buys a product what does he or she become?

A consumer.

What is the difference between a consumer and a customer?

Generally, a consumer refers to individuals who buy for themselves or their family (hence the term 'consumerism' in Economics and politics), whereas a customer can alsomean the retailer or person who buys from the manufacturer, etc. for ultimate sale to others.The one who buys the product is called a customer and the who uses the product is called a consumer.-A customer is who buys the things but a consumer is the person who finally utilizes it.

Who buys goods and services?

the person who likes the product

Who is a person who buys things?

a oerson that buys goods are called a consumer

What is it called when one actually buys a product instead of just desiring a product?


Who is a person who buy things called?

a oerson that buys goods are called a consumer

Person who buys or uses goods and serves?


What is the first level of a product?

The first level is often called the core product, what the consumer actually buys in terms of benefits

What is consumer satisfaction?

Satisfaction of a consumer want is an essential part of the marketing operation. Fundamentally, a person buys (acquires) a product for the satisfaction it will provide. Satisfaction of a consumer want is an essential part of the marketing operation. Fundamentally, a person buys (acquires) a product for the satisfaction it will provide.

What is sale on account?

where a person or organisation buys on account, meaning they get the goods or product and will pay for them at a later date.

What is a person called who buys and sells securities for clients?

A Stock Broker.

What is a person who buys old goods and sells it called?

An antiques dealer.