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Q: What is the phenotypic ratio of PpRr X Pprr?
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What is the phenotypic ratio rrgg x RrGg?


What is the phenotypic ratio of the?

Asuming that the F1 generation is heterozygous for a single trait and that the F2 cross is of 2 F1 offspring. Ex. Aa X Aa the phenotypic ratio is 3:1 dominant to recessive. The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 AA:Aa:aa.

What is the phenotypic of the F2 generation?

Asuming that the F1 generation is heterozygous for a single trait and that the F2 cross is of 2 F1 offspring. Ex. Aa X Aa the phenotypic ratio is 3:1 dominant to recessive. The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 AA:Aa:aa.

Color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait A color-blind man has a daughter with normal color vision She mates with a male who has normal color vision What is the expected phenotypic ratio of t?

The expected phenotypic ratio for their offspring is 1:1, with a 50% chance of being color blind (male with the X-linked recessive trait) and a 50% chance of having normal color vision. This is because the daughter is a carrier of the recessive allele, which can be passed on to her offspring regardless of the father's color vision status.

What is a monohybrid ratio?

A monohybrid ratio refers to the genotypic and phenotypic ratio seen in the offspring of a genetic cross involving only one trait. For example, in a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals (Aa x Aa), the genotypic ratio among the offspring would be 1:2:1 for AA:Aa:aa, and the phenotypic ratio would be 3:1 for the dominant trait to the recessive trait.

Perform the following cross rrgg x RrGg What is the phenotypic ratio?

All you need to do is use a Punnet Square for this. You will get the following genotypical and phenotyical ratio from this cross: RrBb x RRbb = RRBb RrBb RRbb Rrbb In terms of phenotypical ratios, 50% of the offspring have a chance of showing R and B, and the other half have the chance of showing R and b.

What is the phenotypic ratio of the following dihybrid cross AaBb x AaBb?

The phenotypic ratio of the cross AaBb x AaBb is 9:3:3:1, which represents the different possible combinations of genotypes for the offspring based on the principles of Mendelian genetics. This ratio indicates that 9 out of 16 offspring will exhibit the dominant phenotype for both traits, while 3 out of 16 will exhibit one dominant and one recessive phenotype, 3 out of 16 will exhibit the other dominant and recessive phenotype, and 1 out of 16 will exhibit both recessive phenotypes.

What is the importance of a 9331 ratio in a monohybrid cross?

The phenotypic ratio expected from a monohybrid cross between heterozygotes is 3:1 (assuming complete dominance), with the genotypic ratio being 1:2:1. So, using tall = T, short = t and R = red, r = white as an example. A monohybrid cross of Tt X Tt would be expected to produce 3 tall plants and 1 short plant (phenotypic ratio 3:1), which would be 1 TT, 2 Tt and 1 tt (genotypic ratio 1:2:1). A dihybrid cross of heterozygotes is expected to produce a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1. So the cross of TtRr X TtRr would be epected to have: 9 tall red, 3 tall white, 3 short red and 1 short white (phenotypic ratio) This is because each parent has 4 possible combinations of gametes (TR, Tr, tR and tr). There are therefore 16 combinations of gametes, providing a 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio. Both of these are probably best visualised using a punnett square (see link below).

Which punnett square shows the result of a cross between two heterozygous parents?

A cross between two heterozygous parents (eg. Gg X Gg) would result in a phenotypic ratio of 3 dominant : 1 recessive, and a genotypic ratio of 1GG:2Gg:1gg.GgGGGGggGggg

What is the genotype ratio of the offspring in 6.15?

Suck dickkk bitchh

If you performed the Drosophila cross LL x ll what phenotypic ratio would you expect among the offspring?

You would expect a 1:1 ratio of offspring with a long body (LL) to offspring with a short body (ll) due to the incomplete dominance of the gene for body length in Drosophila.

SIMPLE explanation of the golden ratio?

Two quantities are in a Golden Ratio if the ratio of the bigger quantity to the smaller quantity is the same as the ratio of the sum of the two quantities to the bigger quantity. In algebraic form, if the two quantities are x and y, and x is the bigger of the two, then they are in the Golden Ratio if x/y = (x+y)/x and that ratio is the Golden Ratio. which equals (1 + √5)/2.