Physical distribution is one of the largest arenas of marketing and has been defined as the analysis, planning, and control of activities concerned with the procurement and distribution of goods.
Production and marketing But if you're in PACyber like me, it would be "transportation and marketing."
The answer depends on one side of WHAT! There is no distribution which has a greater number of values on either side of its median.
Activities involved with the physical distribution process include transporting, warehousing, forecasting, processing orders, inventorying, production planning, selecting sites, and servicing customers.
In marketing the channels of distribution have many intermediary is called indirect distribution where the firm supplies to the consumer customer not directly but via multiple channels system through a third party eliminating all responsibilities of the product and services...
It is a probability distribution in which the probability of the random variable being in any interval on one side of the mean (expected value) is the same as for the equivalent interval on the other side of the mean.
Discuss thee role of physical distribution in marketing
Hale C. Bartlett has written: 'Readings in physical distribution' -- subject(s): Marketing, Physical distribution of goods
Physical distribution (or place) is one of the four elements of the marketing mix. An organization or set of organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user. -
Marketing Communication, Market Feedback, Inventory Management, Physical Distribution, and Financial Risk.
Physical distribution is the set of activities concerned with efficient movement of finished goods from the end of the production operation to the consumer. Physical distribution takes place within numerous wholesaling and retailing distribution channels, and includes such important decision areas as customer service, inventory control, materials handling, protective packaging, order procession, transportation, warehouse site selection, and warehousing. Physical distribution is part of a larger process called "distribution," which includes wholesale and retail marketing, as well the physical movement of products.
Armand Dayan has written: 'La distribution' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, French, Marketing, Selling 'Le merchandising' 'Le marketing' 'Marketing B to B' 'Manuel de la distribution' -- subject(s): Physical distribution of goods, Retail trade, Wholesale trade
Physical distribution (as opposed to marketing or sales channels of distribution)includes the business functions of warehousing and outbound transportation/traffic to customersLogistics includes physical distribution functions, and adds: inbound transportation/traffic; customer service; finished goods inventory management
what is backward distribution
There are a number of functions of distribution channel marketing. The main use of distribution channel marketing is to provide a link between product and consumer. Other functions include information gathering, promotion, and matching. Negotiations, physical distributions, financing, and risk taking are also functions of some distribution channel marketing. All these functions are necessary for success in any market.
Peg Fisher has written: 'Planning telephone sales' -- subject(s): Direct marketing, Management, Marketing, Physical distribution of goods, Telephone selling
Marketing logistics are basically the physical distribution of goods. Marketing logistics involve planning, delivering, and controlling the flow of physical goods to a market as well as the material and information necessary to meet customer demands. The demands of the customer must be met at a profit that increases revenue for the orginization.
describe the types of distribution channels that can be use in the marketing of a product or service