Write the place and the value of the underlined digit. 95463 The 4 is in the hundreds place and has a value of 400.
None, since no digit is underlined!
what is the value of the underlined digit 62.893
Oh, dude, the underlined digit is 8, right? So, the place value of 8 in 4385 is like... drumroll, please... 800! Yeah, that's right, it's in the hundreds place. But hey, who's counting anyway, right?
what is the place and the value of 61.672 and 2 is the underlined digit.
Write the place and the value of the underlined digit. 95463 The 4 is in the hundreds place and has a value of 400.
-- If the digit to the right of the underlined one is 4 or less, then discard everything to the right of the underlined one. -- If the digit to the right of the underlined one is 5 or more, then add ' 1 ' to the underlined digit, and discard everything to the right of it.
None, since no digit is underlined!
what is the value of the underlined digit 62.893
In the number 23.496, what is the value of the underlined digit?
Oh, dude, the underlined digit is 8, right? So, the place value of 8 in 4385 is like... drumroll, please... 800! Yeah, that's right, it's in the hundreds place. But hey, who's counting anyway, right?
what is the place and the value of 61.672 and 2 is the underlined digit.
20,774 Zero is in the thousands place.
Zero, since there is no underlined digit!Zero, since there is no underlined digit!Zero, since there is no underlined digit!Zero, since there is no underlined digit!
Nothing since there is no underlined digit.
The value is 0 as there are no digits underlined.
If you'll take a quick look back at the place you copied the question from, you'll notice that one of the digits in 32.073 is underlined there. That digit is what's called the "underlined digit". It's very important that I know which digit it is. There's no other way to answer the question.