The place value of the 6 in 470.26 is six hundredths.
The 6 is in the hundredths place.
6 is in hundredths place.
6 is in ten thousands place.
The 7 in the number 987654321 is in the millionth's place.
987654321 x 987654321 = 975461057789971041
1234567890 - 987654321 = 246913569
12356789+987654321= = 1000011110
tenths place * * * * * That is the correct place value of the 6, but the question asked about the value, not the place value. The value of 6, which is in the tenth's place is 0.6
123456789 +987654321 =1111111110
12345679 + 987654321 = 1000000000
123456789-987654321 = -864197532
The place value is hundreds and the face value is 6.
The value of the 6 is 600 (the 6 is in the hundreds place).