The number is ... thousand, three hundred and twenty seven. So the place value of 3 is hundreds.
The place value of the 7 in 37.665 is seven units.
Seven as a number is 7 and it is a prime number.
The place value of the 7 in the number 0.708 is seven tenths.
It is seven ten-thousandths.
7 in this number is in the thousandths place.
Its positional place value is 7/10 = seven tenths
difference between place value of 0 and 7 in following number 5278093
The place value of 500,000 is in the hundreds of thousands place. In this number, the digit 5 is in the hundreds of thousands place, which means that it represents 500,000. Each place value in a number represents a different power of 10, with the hundreds of thousands place being 10^5 or 100,000.
two thousandths
Its positional place value is 7/10 = seven tenths
The 7 in the number 987654321 is in the millionth's place.
seven hundredths 0.67
The number is ... thousand, three hundred and twenty seven. So the place value of 3 is hundreds.
It is: 0.001 or 1/1000